What is a Gummy smile?

What is Gummy Smile

Gummy smile is a condition where an excessive amount of gum tissue, more than a few millimeters, is visible when smiling, laughing and speaking. This type of disproportion causes the gums to come to the forefront while speaking and laughing, making the gums look swollen and unhealthy. This makes the individual uncomfortable and  may make them hide their smile. 

The main causes of a gummy smile can be listed as follows:

  • Short or overactive (hypermobile) levator muscles in the upper lip.
  • A side effect of some medications that cause an overgrowth on the gums
  • Thin upper lip
  • Short upper lip and philtrum ridge spacing
  • Inflammation due to gum problems/disease
  • The size of the upper jaw bone
  • Smaller upper teeth frame
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Who Is Gummy Smile Treatment Suitable For?

A Gummy smile treatment is suitable for individuals who are experiencing the issue. Pregnant or breastfeeding women are not recommended to have the treatment.

How Is A Gummy Smile Treatment Performed?

A Gummy smile can be treated with three different procedures. While a Botulinum Toxin treatment is applied as a temporary method, orthodontic surgery methods are a permanent treatment. The type of method is decided by the patient’s preference and the doctor’s advice. 

Botulinum Toxin Injection

This method is used in cases where the gums are excessively visible while smiling and speaking due to shortness or excessive contraction of the upper lip muscles. The treatment involves an injection, which aims to limit the contraction of the levator muscles. 

Minimal doses are injected into the edges of the nasal alar wings (nostrils). 

The results can last between 3-6 months. It is also recommended to repeat the procedure every 6 months or so. The procedure is performed by dentists or medical aesthetic physicians. 

Tooth Lengthening

A tooth lengthening treatment aims to make the teeth look more full and is performed in two different ways, either downwards or upward lengthening. 

Upward Looth Lengthening

The upward tooth lengthening method also known as the gum shaping process, the gum tissue is moved upwards, bringing the tooth length to the desired level and making it look longer. This procedure is also known as pink aesthetics. The aim of the method is to make the teeth look longer by surgically removing the gums called gingivectomy and gingivoplasty. The procedure takes approximately 30 minutes and is completed in a single session by a periodontist known as a gum disease physician.

Downward tooth lengthening: This method uses porcelain laminate veneers. The tooth is physically lengthened by adding veneers and then adjusted to shape, color and form.

Orthodontic Treatment or Surgical Procedure 

If the gummy smile is caused by the downward direction of the upper teeth, the length of the teeth is shaped by moving them upwards with orthodontic treatments. If it is caused by the growth of the upper jawbone, the jawbone is shaped by surgically removing excess bone.

What Is Recovery Like After A Botulinum Toxin Injection?

A Gummy smile treatment not only helps to provide a better smile, but also finds solutions to gum problems. Therefore, the healing process varies according to the type of procedure. The recovery after a surgical treatment takes longer than a Botulinum Toxin method.

A Botulinum Toxin treatment is not a surgical procedure. It is a painless and comfortable procedure that takes about 20 minutes. After the procedure, temporary side effects such as redness and swelling in the treated area may be experienced. Use of cosmetic products should be avoided for the first few hours after the treatment. Saunas, Turkish baths, steam rooms, hot showers, blood thinners and heavy exercise should be avoided for the first week.

Gummy Smile FAQs

Which conditions is a Gummy Smile treatment applied to?
Which conditions is a Gummy Smile treatment applied to?

Gummy smile is an anatomical condition in which the gums are excessively visible during speaking and laughing. Furthermore, a Gummy smile treatment is needed in conditions such as bone growth in the upper jaw, excessive movement of the muscles in the upper lip, and when the upper lip structure is smaller than usual.

Is a Gummy smile treatment permanent?
Is a Gummy smile treatment permanent?

There are differentGummy smile treatments, with some being temporary and some permanent. The surgical treatment is a permanent method. The Botox treatment is a temporary where the treatment should last 6 months. This treatment can also be repeated.

Are there any side effects of a Gummy Smile Botox?
Are there any side effects of a Gummy Smile Botox?

No side effects have been detected; however redness and swelling may be experienced in the treated area. The condition is temporary.

Who should perform a Gummy smile treatment?
Who should perform a Gummy smile treatment?

A Gummy smile treatment has different techniques - A Botox procedure is performed by a medical aesthetic specialist and a surgical procedure is performed by an orthodontist.

How do you know if you need a Gummy Smile treatment?
How do you know if you need a Gummy Smile treatment?

Suitability for a Gummy smile treatment should be decided by the physician. In the consultation, the need for a Gummy smile treatment and the treatment method is clarified.

Will a Gummy Smile Botox change facial expressions?
Will a Gummy Smile Botox change facial expressions?

A Gummy smile botox is a procedure that changes and enhances the smile. As the muscles in the upper lip area only are treated, it does not have a negative effect on other parts of the face.

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