Acne and Pimple Treatment

What is Acne and Pimple Treatment?

What is Acne and Pimple Treatment?

Acne and pimple treatment is the removal of acne scarring on the skin without leaving permanent damage and is suitable for all age groups. The duration of the treatment and results may take time, therefore it is important to consider wait time. The treatment can be applied in various ways.

Firstly, a specialist physician will assess and determine a treatment based on specific factors such as, patient age, patient skin structure, the amount of oil on the skin and severity of acne on the face and body. 

The treatment and medications to be used may also differ according to inflamed and non-inflamed acne. For this reason, medications used other than those recommended by specialists may cause side effects on the skin or prolong the duration of treatment.

What is Acne and Pimple Treatmen estepalace

Factors Causing Acne

The main cause of acne is the overworking of the sebaceous glands in the body, resulting in the accumulation of oil. Differences in hormones can also affect and cause acne. Acne problems begin at a young age due to hormonal changes that are often seen in adolescence. Menstrual cycles, pregnancy and stress also affect hormones that cause acne.

Acne can also be caused by external factors, including:

• Fatty foods

• Tobacco, smoking and alcohol consumption

• Excessive use of cosmetics

• Excessive sweating

• High levels of stress and psychological disorders

• Side effects of certain drugs

Acne and Pimple Symptoms

Symptoms of acne and pimples are as follows:

  • Pimples with white tips
  • Painful small allergies like pimples, red in colour.
  • Solid, large lumps that can be felt under the skin and may be painful to the touch.

The growth and development of pimples can cause blemishes and scarring in the future. The most effective way to prevent this is early treatment. Precautions can be taken before pimples proliferate and turns into inflamed acne. Keeping the areas that are prone to acne breakouts clean, staying away from external factors that cause acne, and not squeezing and popping pimples are some of the ways to prevent acne and scarring.

The Importance of Acne and Pimple Treatment

The treatment of pimples and acne overall is very important for a person’s health and appearance, especially as one of the most common areas of acne is the face. If treatment is ignored, its severity may increase overtime, resulting in inflammation and permanent scarring on the skin.

The reproduction and aggravation of acne can really affect a person’s living standards, appearance and self-confidence, especially during adolescence where it can cause young people to lack self-confidence.


The following methods are used in the treatment of acne;

Laser Acne Treatment

Laser Acne Treatment is one of the procedures with the highest results. 

The results of Laser Acne Treatment can be determined by the patient’s age, skin texture, the severity of acne and the area to be treated. A patient’s skin tissue and the type of acne is assessed for the most suitable treatment. 

Laser Acne Treatment opens clogged pores in the skin by a heat procedure, without damaging skin and fat tissue. Acne causing bacteria is removed and cells in the lower tissue of the skin is cleaned revealing a tighter, smoother, and clearer complexion.


Medication is also an alternative method to prevent and treat acne. A patient’s age, skin condition and severity for medication is assessed by a doctor for suitability of use as well as duration of use. Medication treatment may take a longer period of time, in which patients are encouraged to show tolerance. Medication treatment must be used under the supervision of a doctor. 

Topical Treatment

Topical treatment is a method that may also be used to treat mild or moderate acne. Specific creams, lotions and gels can be applied to the problem area of ​​the skin as part of a daily acne routine. 

This treatment however, is not an effective treatment for more severe acne cases. Inflammation of acne can be hidden in the lower layer of the skin, where topical treatments cannot penetrate deep enough.

Types of Acne

Youth Acne

Acne and pimples generally begin in adolescents due to hormonal changes in the body. These pimples are known as Adolescent Acne. Pimples first appear as black and white dots and over time, turn into acne. The first symptoms are seen on the forehead and start to spread around the whole face.

For some patients, an at-home skin care routine may not be enough, therefore, further assistance via a specialist may be recommended.

Adult Acne

Adult acne is generally caused by stress and hormonal changes, similar to adolescent acne, only more sensitive. Compared with adolescent acne, it is more painful with most of the inflammation under the skin. Adult acne also takes a longer time to completely clear.

At home skin care regimes may be sufficient, however clinical acne treatment along with expert support is most effective.

Inflamed Acne

Inflamed acne is the type of acne when pimples are the most painful, red in colour and visibly swollen. As most tend to squeeze the pimple as a first reaction, it is not recommenced as it can lead to painful infections. For this kind of acne, medical acne treatment is highly recommended as opposed to at home skincare.

Non-Inflammatory Acne

Non-inflammatory acne are the kind of pimples with black or white dots, known as whiteheads and/or blackheads. They don’t cause pain or show signs of swelling. At-home skin care is effective to keep the skin clean and maintained.

Acne and Pimples Treatment FAQ’s

What happens if acne is not treated?
What happens if acne is not treated?

Untreated acne can increase in severity, spread to different parts of the body and leave permanent damage to your skin, which overall affects your appearance. Acne can also cause self-esteem problems in some people because of its aesthetic appearance.

Can I use cosmetic products for acne treatment?
Can I use cosmetic products for acne treatment?

During an acne treatment it is best advised not to use any cosmetic or makeup products. Using cosmetics can show negative results, slow down the treatment process and have adverse effects due to the chemicals and different ingredients found in cosmetics and makeup. It's also important to choose to use oil-free creams and skincare, particularly sunscreen, as oil that's found in most creams can lead to the buildup of acne formation.

Is it okay to squeeze acne?
Is it okay to squeeze acne?

It is not okay to squeeze pimples. The tightened area around the pimple may become inflamed, therefore squeezing the pimple causes the formation of pimples on different parts of the face and body. Scratching, rubbing or picking the pimple can also irritate the pimple and the skin around it.

Things to know about Acne and Pimples
Things to know about Acne and Pimples

If severe acne is ignored, it can remain permanent and create irreversible damage. As acne is considered a skin disease, it is advised not to play with, squeeze and scratch infected pimples.
The most effective acne treatment is performed by clinical experts. Consuming oral medications without consulting specialist physicians is not correct and may lead to negative consequences.

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