What is Liposuction?

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Liposuction is a surgical procedure for fat removal. Unwanted fat in the body is vacuumed and permanently removed with an injector and cannula. This operation allows the removal of fat in difficult areas of the body, where exercise and other weight loss methods don’t work. 

Liposuction, which is an effective solution for excessive body fat, is also frequently used as an auxiliary treatment method in many aesthetic surgery applications such as gynecomastia, bow leg, and BBL. 

Liposuction is not a weight loss method or obesity (bariatric) treatment. Cellulite and stretch marks are not removed with this method. It’s a suitable procedure for those who want to change their body shape and desire a more aesthetic appearance. 

If a healthy and nutritional diet and regular exercise are not followed after a liposuction surgery, fat cells in the body may grow and the effects of the procedure will soon deteriorate. 

The amount of fat that can be removed from the body in a liposuction procedure is limited. If too much fat is removed from a specific area, a collapse in the area and cellulite-like appearance can occur. Surgical risks are related to the amount of fat removed.

Liposuction alone is not a sufficient procedure for weight gain with age, excess fat tissue after childbirth, frequent weight gain and loss and sagging in the body.

Types Of Liposuction

There are different techniques used in a liposuction procedure.

An examination performed by a physician will determine which method will be used based on the patient’s body structure and fat deposits. 

There are three different liposuction methods that have been developed outside of the classic liposuction method. These include:

  • Vaser Liposuction
  • Laser Lipolysis
  • J Plasma Lipolysis

Liposuction side note

  • The operation is usually performed under general anesthetic.
  • Liposuction is an aesthetic procedure and not a weight loss tool.
  • The procedure is easy and comfortable and can be treated on men and women. 

Who Is Suitable For Liposuction?

Individuals under the age of 65 with no existing health issues may be eligible to undergo this operation. Liposuction can be applied to all areas with body fat tissue in men and women. The suitability of the patient and the method used is decided by the physician during the examination.

Which Areas Of The Body Is Liposuction Mainly Performed?

Commonly applied areas include, breasts, buttocks, thighs, abdomen and waist, back, neck area, upper arm, hip and BBL.

The most preferred areas in men are gynecomastia (breast enlargement), abdomen and waist area.

How Is A Liposuction (Fat Removal) Procedure Performed?

Liposuction is a procedure performed under general anesthesia. A small single incision, or more, are made in the area to be treated.  Depending on the type of liposuction, cannulas are inserted through these incisions and the fat cells under the skin are broken down and removed. The duration of the procedure varies according to the size of the application area and the amount of fat.

What Is Recovery Like After Liposuction?

The bandages applied after the operation must stay on for 7 days. During the first few days, patients may experience bruising and swelling. These bruises subside in a short period of time. Patients can return to normal routine one week after the procedure. Patients can expect to see final results after the 4th month as the body takes its final shape.

Things To Consider After Liposuction Procedure

  • Strenuous sports and excessive physical activities should be avoided for 3-4 weeks after liposuction.
  • The corset given by the physician must be used during the specified period.
  • Careful attention to eating and the types of food eaten should be taken after the procedure. Foods that may cause swelling and edema should be avoided. Plenty of water must be consumed.
  • If a nutritional diet is not followed and a high calories intake resumes, an increase in the volume of the remaining fat cells can be observed. Therefore, attention should be paid to following a healthy diet and exercise to maintain the new form. 
  • A lymphatic massage  is recommended approximately 12 days after the procedure for rapid recovery of the tissue after the operation.
Vaser Liposuction

Vaser Liposuction

A Vaser Liposuction is the most effective procedure used today. The biggest difference from a classical liposuction is, the fat removed can be reused in different parts of the body.

With a classic liposuction, the area where the fat is removed starts to form a cellulite-like texture, this however does not occur with a Vaser liposuction. 

One of the most preferred reasons for a Vaser lipolysis is that it can provide a more muscular appearance in the abdominal area, a 6 pack in men, and 2 pack in women.

How Is A Vaser Liposuction Performed?

Vaser liposuction procedure uses ultrasound sound waves. Fat cells are liquefied and broken down with sound waves. The fat cells separated from the tissue are removed from the body with the help of a cannula.

Which Parts Of The Body Is A Vaser Liposuction Performed On?

A Vaser liposuction procedure can be applied to almost every part of the body and is considered a fairly comfortable operation. The procedure is highly preferred due to the fact that there are no incision scars.

Recovery Process After Vaser Liposuction

  • Patients can expect to return to routine life two days after surgery.
  • The corset provided should be used for the period specified by the physician.
  • Patients should pay extra attention to a healthy lifestyle and exercise after a Vaser lipo operation.  
  • Strenuous sports and exercises should be avoided for the first 1 month.
  • Liquid intake is also important as it will help remove fat cells from the body.
Laser Lipolysis

Laser Lipolysis

Laser lipolysis is procedure to treat regional adiposity and skin laxity that 

causes a disproportionate appearance by disrupting the body contour despite living an active lifestyle with sports and a healthy diet. 

The procedure involves laser energy that’s applied under the skin and while the fat cells are broken down and destroyed with heat energy, it also breaks down the connective tissue and collagen that has lost skin elasticity and triggers its re-formation. This way, skin recovery and tightening are achieved. Furthermore, there is less irritation and bruising during a laser liposuction compared to the classic method.

How Is A Laser Lipolysis Treatment Applied?

Firstly, local anesthetic is applied to the area to be treated, and a 1-2 mm incision is made. The lipolysis device that will create the laser pulse through this incision is inserted under the skin with the help of a cannula and the fat cells are broken down by laser pulse. The melted fat cells that are free, are removed with the help of an injector or excreted by the body through free circulation.

Which Parts Of The Body Can Laser Lipolysis Be Applied?

This method can be applied to almost every part of the body. Buttocks, hips, abdomen, inside and outside of the legs, arms, back, waist and breasts.

What Is The Recovery Process Like?

Patients can expect to return to routine life the day after the procedure. Fat cells removed by laser lipolysis do not return, however gaining more weight than normal may cause the remaining fat cells to grow in volume and the procedure may need to be repeated. For this reason, patients should pay attention to exercise and a healthy diet after laser lipolysis. A corset should be used for 7 days after the treatment. Laser lipolysis is a painless and effective procedure.

Advantages Of Laser Lipolysis

  • The procedure is performed under local anesthetic
  • The procedure time and recovery is short.
  • Swelling, bruising and edema after the procedure are less than the classic liposuction procedure.
  • A cellulite-like appearance does not occur in the area of treatment. 
  • The period of time to wear the corset is short.
  • There is no scarring in the tissue.

J-Plasma Renuvion

J-Plasma Renuvion

A J plasma renuvion procedure is where helium gas and radio frequency energies are combined to tighten and rejuvenate the skin. 

Although this method is introduced as a new generation cellulite treatment, it should not be considered as a cellulite treatment alone. While J plasma cleanses the body from cellulite, it also tightens and revitalizes the skin tissue.

How Is A J-Plasma Procedure Performed?

A J-Plasma application is usually completed in one session, and takes approximately 1-2 hours. This method can be applied to almost any part of the body under local or general anesthetic. 

A J-Plasma treatment provides effective results when combined with a liposuction treatment. When applied cold, the procedure provides a faster recovery compared to other methods.

Which Parts Of The Body Can A J-Plasma Be Applied To?

This method can be applied to almost every part of the body. Face, neck area, hips, buttocks, hips, abdomen, inside and outside of the legs, arms, back, waist, breast and the tummy.

What Is The Recovery Process A After J Plasma?

Patients can expect to return to routine life on the same day as the treatment. Close attention should be paid to regular exercise and following a healthy diet. Consuming plenty of water is also very important. A J Plasma is a painless method. A corset should be worn for 7 days after treatment.

Advantages Of A J Plasma Procedure

  • Fast and comfortable healing process.
  • Results are immediately visible. 
  • The skin looks more tightened and repaired.
  • A younger and natural appearance is achieved.
  • A cellulite-like is eliminated from the area of treatment.
  • Mild and moderate sagging that occurs during pregnancy can be treated with procedure.
  • It can be applied to any body structure.
  • The procedure is usually completed in one session.
  • It can be applied on sensitive areas such as eyelids.

Liposuction FAQs

What is the maximum amount of fat that can be removed with liposuction?
What is the maximum amount of fat that can be removed with liposuction?

Liposuction is known to provide results and cure the problem in just a single procedure.
Approximately 4 to 6 liters of fat can be removed from the body.

Can fat return after a liposuction procedure?
Can fat return after a liposuction procedure?

Liposuction patients must take extra care with their health after the operation. This involves following a healthy diet and regular exercise. In cases where frequent weight gain or loss occur, the operation may need to be repeated.

Should I use a corset after liposuction?
Should I use a corset after liposuction?

Yes. It is necessary to use a corset to prevent edema and to ensure that the new shape of the body is formed correctly. The corset given after the liposuction operation must be used for the period specified by the physician. If the use of the corset is stopped too early, sagging may occur in the treated areas.

Does liposuction surgery leave scars?
Does liposuction surgery leave scars?

After a liposuction operation, a small scar may remain on the area where the procedure was performed. Although, it is ensured that the scars on the areas that are not easily visible.

How long does it take to return to daily life after liposuction surgery?
How long does it take to return to daily life after liposuction surgery?

After about a week, swelling and edema will subside and the patients can return to their normal life.

How many sizes will I drop with liposuction?
How many sizes will I drop with liposuction?

Although liposuction is not intended for weight loss, the number of dress sizes that a patient can drop varies according to the patient's condition.

How long does a Vaser liposuction take?
How long does a Vaser liposuction take?

The duration of the operation varies depending on the number and the size of the areas to be treated, in general however, the vaser lipo method takes between 1 or 2 hours.

How long is the healing period after a Vaser liposuction?
How long is the healing period after a Vaser liposuction?

After surgery, patients can expect to stand up within the first 8 hours and return to normal routine within 3-5 days. It takes up to 4 weeks for the edema to disappear after the surgery and it is recommended that the patient wear a corset that is not too tight for 2-4 weeks after surgery.

Does sagging occur after a Vaser liposuction?
Does sagging occur after a Vaser liposuction?

After the operation there is no sagging or fat accumulation as the fat cells in the body do not break down or multiply after the operation. With healthy nutrition and regular exercise, patients can achieve a lifelong fit and healthy appearance.

How many sizes can a patient drop with a Vaser liposuction?
How many sizes can a patient drop with a Vaser liposuction?

After a vaser liposuction, the amount of weight loss varies from patient to patient, however a reduction in 1-5 dress sizes can be achieved. It's possible to remove 3 to 4 kilograms of fat from the patient during the operation. The fat taken is pure fat and is equivalent to an average of 5-6 kilograms in the person's body.

When does edema disappear after Vaser liposuction?
When does edema disappear after Vaser liposuction?

The swelling will start to decrease within 15-20 days and the real body contours will gradually become visible. It's important that patients are patient and focussed during this process as complete recovery of edema and swelling after liposuction can vary between 1-3 months depending on the number of areas and skin sensitivity of the patient.

Should a lymphatic massage be performed after a Vaser Liposuction?
Should a lymphatic massage be performed after a Vaser Liposuction?

A Lymphatic massage is recommended after liposuction as it accelerates the healing process of the treated area.

How much weight can be lost with laser lipolysis?
How much weight can be lost with laser lipolysis?

While the fat in the treated area is melted, and the skin is tightened. Laser lipolysis is not a weight loss or slimming treatment.

Can laser lipolysis be repeated?
Can laser lipolysis be repeated?

If looseness in the skin is noticed after the operation, the procedure may need to be repeated.

Is laser lipolysis harmful?
Is laser lipolysis harmful?

If performed by specialist physicians it is a harmless procedure

Does laser lipolysis work?
Does laser lipolysis work?

In a Laser lipolysis treatment, the body’s contour is shaped by burning excess fat in the body revealing more distinct lines.

When does a laser lipolysis procedure show results?
When does a laser lipolysis procedure show results?

The results of a laser lipolysis treatment start to show from the first week. The body takes its final shape from the second month onwards.

Is J Plasma permanent?
Is J Plasma permanent?

A J Plasma method is a fairly new application that is both comfortable and has a shorter healing time.

How long does a J plasma procedure take?
How long does a J plasma procedure take?

Depending on the area of treatment, it takes an average of 1-2 hours.

Is J plasma effective in cellulite treatment?
Is J plasma effective in cellulite treatment?

A J Plasma procedure eliminates the appearance of cellulite by improving skin quality.

Can J plasma procedure be combined with other aesthetic operations?
Can J plasma procedure be combined with other aesthetic operations?

J Plasma is a very simple and short procedure and can be combined with other aesthetic operations.
 As a J Plasma procedure is a tissue tightening treatment, it enhances the results when performed together with a liposuction operation.

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